Monday, February 4, 2008

An Update

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged. A lot has happened, mostly good, some very bad. First off, in the beginning of January one of our kitties was hit by a car and killed.(He's the little one behind the monster cat in the picture). I was the lucky one to find him as I was driving down our street after taking my daughter to preschool. I was hysterical to say the least. But, thank goodness my daughter wasn't with me when I found him. She would have been even more hysterical. We buried him in my in laws back yard, where we can visit him often. Then we all got really bad colds. Let me just tell you, pregnant woman should not be allowed to get sick!!! It's just not fair. I think my youngest son had it the worst though. He felt just awful. My hubby went snow boarding probably for the last time of the winter, since the baby will be here soon. He of course came down with the cold the night before he left.
I am now 36 weeks pregnant and so ready to have this baby. I am really hoping she decides to come early like her big brother! I am so uncomfortable this time. So much more then any of my other pregnancies. My hip and pelvic bones just feel like they are going to snap when I walk. I know she is riding very low! Now we just get to sit back and wait for her. Which is so exciting! I can't wait to hold my little girl in my arms!
Over the weekend a couple of my girlfriends from church threw me a baby shower. It was at Panera, which was such a great idea!! We all got to chat and have breakfast and then open presents. We got so many cute little girl outfits! We also got a Britax car seat. I asked my mom if she could split the cost of the carseat with some other family members, because they are so expensive and we really didn't need anything else. So now our new little one will have a beautiful new purple flowery car seat. And what's great is the car seat goes from 5-65lbs. We won't need to buy another one for her. She is going to look so tiny in it for a while though!
Well, that's pretty much all that's happened around here! Hope everyone else is doing great!


Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

I thought of you last night for some reason. I hope everyone is feeling better!

36 weeks! Wow! SOOOO close! Maybe she'll come a little early like you want. I know those last weeks are the worst! Best of luck!

Cathy said...

I'm really sorry about your kitty. I was going to comment how cute that picture is.

Goodluck in the home stretch of pregnancy :)

Tereza said...

Yippee your baby is almost here! 37 weeks huh? Not too much longer you have things prepared for the arrival?