Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

Today was Fathers Day. I think my husband had a good one. My kids and I got up extra early before church and made him breakfast in bed. He then opened his presents and relaxed. But not for too long! We had to be at church by 9am. We went to early service and then to class. It is the first Sunday class that my husband has gone to with me, which made it very special. I am so happy that he's taking church so seriously now. He was baptized at the age of 30, just a few weeks ago and he has changed a lot since then. I feel as though our family is whole now and that I will have my husband in heaven with me. I was very worried about that for a long time. After my hubby was baptized our 10 year old nephew said the same thing. He said,"phew, now I know that you will be in heaven with all of us!" Out of the mouths of babes! But it is so true. After we went to church we went to my parents and had lunch with my family. That was great too!!! So all in all I think that we had a good Fathers Day! I hope everyone elses was great too!!!

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